Endodontic Services

  • Root Canal Therapy

    Root canal therapy is designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal space inside the tooth. This procedure allows the natural teeth to be saved. Through careful access and cleaning of the canal space, the inflamed or infected pulp tissue is removed. The space is then filled and sealed with a material called gutta percha to prevent reinfection from occurring.

  • Root Canal Retreatment

    Root canal retreatment is much like initial root canal therapy, although rather than removing infected tissue from the inside of the tooth, we remove infected previous filling materials. This repeat infection likely occurred because microscopic bacteria caused persistent inflammation or were reintroduced to the canal space. After removal of the infected materials, the space is thoroughly disinfected then filled and sealed.

  • Microsurgery/Apicoectomy

    In some cases, root canal therapy or root canal retreatment alone cannot save your tooth and we may recommend a surgical procedure. Typically, this procedure involves a small incision in the gum tissue followed by removal of the infected tissue and the end of the tooth root. A small filling is placed into the end of the root to seal the canal space. A few stitches or sutures are placed to allow proper healing of the gum tissue.

  • Cracked Teeth

    Cracked teeth often present challenges in diagnosis and treatment of a tooth. There are different types of cracks, categorized on their depth into the crown, or chewing surface of the tooth, as well as their extent onto the root surface. Early detection of a crack can improve the odds of saving your tooth. Sometimes, a crack communicates with the root canal space, and a root canal is required. It is important that a crown be placed on a cracked tooth following root canal therapy, as this prevents the crack from spreading further. Sometimes, a crack is too advanced, and extraction of the tooth may be recommended.

  • Traumatic Injuries

    Trauma can occur to the dentition in many ways. When, where, and how the trauma occurred will help your endodontist determine the proper course of action regarding your tooth.